Published on: 6th March 2023
Medically reviewed by: Medical Director at First Response Healthcare
Medically reviewed by: Medical Director at First Response Healthcare

Biological and physiological factors, combined with unfair social realities and inequalities have a significant impact on women’s health and overall wellbeing. Thus, making them vulnerable to several health issues and difficulties. Oftentimes, there is little or no clarity on health facts about women, which often leads to delay in timely diagnosis and treatment of women’s health.
Health Facts About Women That You Should Definitely Know
1. Women Are More Vulnerable To Certain Health Risks
When we look at women’s health as compared to men’s health, there are some significant differences between the two when it comes to health risks. Women are more susceptible than men to hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia, eye disease, hyperalgesia, irritable bowel syndrome and certain types of mood disorders. This is over and above the reproductive differences that make women susceptible to several illnesses linked to their reproductive system. When understanding women’s health, knowing these health risks that impact women and their wellbeing more is key.
2. External Social Factors Affect Women’s Health
Duties, roles and responsibilities of a large majority of women even today are gender based. This gender-based division of work and way of life has an impact on women’s health. Within healthcare systems and outside of them, it is important to acknowledge and understand these differences that affect women’s health differently than men.
3. Symptoms of Certain Diseases Go Undiagnosed
Another one among the health facts about women is that, for certain health problems, symptoms in women differ from those in men, and these are often overlooked. For example, the signs of a heart attack in men are often chest tightness and pain radiating to the left arm. For women, heart attack symptoms include gastrointestinal issues, extreme fatigue, and a rapid heart rate. Healthcare providers often fail to diagnose such symptoms in women. There is also research that indicates that medical professionals tend to take women’s complaints of symptoms lightly or less seriously, as compared to men. Especially if these symptoms are linked to pain or discomfort. These factors have a significant impact on the treatment that women receive and their overall health.
4. Women Often Have Difficulty Accessing Quality Healthcare
One of the most important health facts about women is that socio-cultural factors prevent women and girls from benefiting from quality health services and achieving the highest possible health standards. Women’s health and their access to healthcare is affected because of unequal power relations between men and women, social norms that reduce access to education and gainful employment, exclusive focus on the reproductive role of women and potential or actual experience of physical, sexual, and emotional violence. Poverty is a major barrier to good health outcomes for both men and women, but poverty tends to place a greater burden on women’s health and girls.
5. The Impact of Caregiving on Women’s Health
Most women bear the burden of caregiving in families, whether it’s for children or elderly individuals. Female caregivers are at increased risk of deteriorating physical and mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. The COVID-19 pandemic increased this burden on women even more. It is important that women get relief from caregiving roles, the absence of which can lead to burnout and can significantly affect women’s health. To manage stress, caregivers should take breaks as needed, take time to relax, and consider respite care.
6. Intimate Partner Violence & Its Impact on Women’s Health
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) can range from violent episodes with potentially long-lasting effects to more persistent and severe episodes over the years. Intimate Partner Violence may include behavior such as physical and sexual violence, stalking, and psychological aggression. The adverse health effects associated with IPV are numerous. These include a variety of conditions that affect the heart, digestive system, reproductive system, muscular and skeletal systems, the nervous system, and mental health issues such as depression and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To prevent intimate partner violence, it is important to understand and address the factors that put people at risk of violence or protect them from it.
7. Understanding Women’s Health Can Help Advance Medical Science
Understanding the nuances of women’s health and acknowledging the differences between the symptoms and risk factors affecting both men and women can enhance our understanding of medical science. It is possible to provide better clinical care when we understand the sociocultural factors that influence women’s health.
What Ailments Should Women Know About?
There are some ailments and conditions that significantly affect women’s health.
From arthritis and asthma to vaginal infections and STDs, understanding these specific conditions can help women be better prepared to deal with them when they affect women’s health.
One of the most common disorders that can affect women is arthritis. This disorder affects joints and the tissues around them. Arthritis is a painful condition in which the joints become stiff, making it difficult to complete the tasks you’ve been doing all along.
If you are diagnosed with arthritis, check with your doctor about starting a physical activity program. This can improve the quality of life for people with arthritis. Studies show that physical activity reduces pain and improves both mood and mobility.
Vaginal Infection
Women between the ages of 15 and 44 are at increased risk of bacterial vaginosis. This condition occurs because there are too many bacteria in the vagina, leading to a change in the normal, healthy balance. It is unclear which sexual activities influence the development of this condition, and most women report no symptoms. If you have a vaginal infection, antibiotics might be prescribed for treatment.
Women have more asthma problems than men. Women of certain races and older women are at increased risk of developing asthma. Asthma is triggered because of certain elements in the environment. It can be useful to identify these and avoid them. Try to reduce or eliminate exposure to dust mites, cigarette smoke, pet dander, cockroaches, mold and other air pollutants. These triggers cannot always be prevented, so it’s important to know how to manage an asthma attack if it occurs. Your doctor can help you manage your condition and make plans to prevent asthma attacks.
Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding, also called menorrhagia, affects millions of women every year. You can track your menstrual cycle over several months to see if you have heavy menstrual bleeding. Keeping a chart helps you keep track of how many days your period lasts and how much bleeding occurred during that time. As a precaution, you can also make an appointment with your doctor to discuss possible symptoms of a bleeding disorder. Make sure to discuss your symptoms openly to ensure a correct diagnosis for choosing the best treatment.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are very common among women. STDs are transmitted from person to person through vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. STDs do not always cause symptoms and sometimes may cause only mild symptoms. So there’s a possibility that someone could be infected and not know it. People who practice unsafe sex should make sure to get tested for STDs. All STDs can be treated with drugs, and some can even be cured. For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea are common sexually transmitted infections that can be easily cured. It is important that you get the right treatment, otherwise it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). When drugs are prescribed to treat sexually transmitted infections, it is important to take all drugs exactly as prescribed by your doctor. STDs are preventable and it is in the interest of one’s health to know how to protect yourself and your sexual partner from sexually transmitted infections.
Doctor At Home In Dubai | First Response Healthcare
If you want to get yourself checked for any of the conditions mentioned above, or even beyond that, First Response Healthcare (FRH) is here to help. With First Response Healthcare, you can consult a doctor online or have a doctor visit you for treatment of any ailment wherever you want, at any time you want.
First Response Healthcare (FRH) is a JCI accredited home healthcare company that provides Doctor On Call services, wherein our doctor can come to your home, hotel or office for diagnosis or treatment of ailments. FRH has received the Gold Seal of Approval from Joint Commission International for its high-quality services.
Our medical team is available 24/7 and can be booked at any time, including on weekends and holidays. Our team of doctors are DHA qualified, experienced and internationally trained and they can provide proper medication and guidance for good health and wellbeing. Our team of doctors can treat a wide variety of illnesses and problems, including colds, flu, migraines, and chronic illnesses. Our doctors come from a variety of backgrounds and speak English, Arabic, Turkish, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi and Russian. When necessary, our home call doctor can refer you to a specialist, physical therapist, or hospital.
Features That Make FRH Different:
- We can reach you anytime 24/7 365 days a year, even on weekends and public holidays.
- Once you book an appointment with us, we can reach you within 30* minutes.
- Our services cover the entire Emirate of Dubai
- Our team can visit you at your home, hotel or office for your check-up and appointment.
- To make an appointment, all you need to do is: Call on 0505050 387 or 800DIALDOC
To hire services of a doctor at home for any ailment, you can call on 0505050387 or 800DIALDOC. You can also book an appointment online by visiting