Every patient of First Response Healthcare is entitled to equal attention and equal access to all of our services without any discrimination.
Patient’s Rights:
- To know the mission statement of the health care facility and type of services that they provide.
- To be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with professional standards for all patients regardless of manner of payment, race, sex, nationality, religion, culture, disability or any other factor. First Response Healthcare does not deny care and services due to race, color, religion, ancestry, socio economic status or national origin.
- To receive care that is considerate, respectful of the patients’ personnel values and beliefs.
Wear appropriate personal clothing and religious or other symbolic items, as long as they do not jeopardize safety or interfere with diagnostic procedures or treatment. - To receive health care on the basis of clinical need.
- To know the identity and professional status of individuals providing service to him / her and to know which treating Doctor is primarily responsible for his/her care. This includes the patient’s right to know of the existence of any professional relationship among individuals that are treating him/her, as well as the relationship to any healthcare or educational institutions involved in his/her care.
- The patient has the right to obtain information from the treating Doctor responsible for coordinating his/her care, complete and current information concerning his/her diagnosis (to the degree known), treatment and any known prognosis. This information should be communicated in terms the patient can reasonably be expected to understand.
- To receive emergency medical care and treatment easily and quickly.
- To be referred to a specialist/consultant for special care when there is a clinical need.
- To receive detailed explanation of their condition, care, treatment and aftercare, in terms that are free from professional jargon in order that the patient can fully understand.
- The patient has the formal right of access to his/her medical records. The treating doctor shall be notified when such requests are made
- Right to make decisions
- The right to accept or refuse treatment
- Right to a second opinion or to have their care transferred to another physician if they are not satisfied with the care or opinion provided.
- The right to privacy and confidentiality – The patient has the right, by law, to personal and informational privacy as manifested by the right to:
- Privacy during examination, procedures, clinical care/ treatment; and they have to right to know who is in attendance and the purpose of those in attendance on them.
- Refuse to talk with or see anyone not directly involved in his/her care
- Be interviewed and examined in a designated area to assure reasonable audiovisual privacy. This includes the right to have a person of one’s own gender present during certain parts of a physical examination, treatment, or procedure performed by a Health professional of the Opposite sex.
- Expect that any discussion or consultation involving his/her case will be conducted discreetly and that individuals not involved in direct care will not be present without permission of the patient
- Expect that information given to concerned family members or significant other legally qualified person, be delivered in privacy and with due consideration of confidentiality.
- Be placed in protective privacy when considered necessary for personal safety.
- Documented and personal details and records are kept fully confidential and protected from loss and misuse.
Right to have medical record read only by individuals directly involved in treatment or monitoring of quality care
- Patient has the right to informed consent for treatment, procedures, interventions – The patient has the right to reasonably participate in decisions involving his/her health care. To the degree possible, this shall be based on a clear, concise explanation of his/her condition and of all proposed technical procedures, including the possibilities of any risk of mortality or serious side effects, problems to recuperation, and probability of success.
- To receive verbal and written information about any proposed treatment and to be told if there are any alternatives available.
- To have all clinical and pharmaceutical records kept fully updated and relevant, information fully.
Have the freedom to choose their pharmaceutical care provider. - To receive relevant, current and understandable information concerning their drugs and treatment.
In decision making about their drugs and treatment choices. - To discuss and request information related to their specific drug therapy, possible adverse side effects and drug interactions.
- To have drug therapy monitored for safety and efficacy and to make reasonable efforts to detect and prevent drug allergies, adverse reactions or contraindications.
- To monitor the patient compliance and proper drug use and institute remedial interventions when necessary.
To be provided with Arabic/English interpreter services; and all other language barriers will be accommodated based upon available of translation resources. - To have any complaint that they may make, acknowledged, fully investigated, and be provided with a written response as per the facility policy.
- To be protected from physical assault during their visit/ stay in the health care facility.
- To appropriate protection if they are children, disabled, elderly or vulnerable.
- To care at the end of their life which is respectful and compassionate.
- If a patient is unconscious or is determined to be mentally incompetent, consent shall be obtained from an appropriate family member. In life-threatening emergencies, appropriate treatment may be administrated without consent.
Patient’s Responsibilities:
Provide accurate and complete information about medical complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, pain, and other matters relating to their health. Should give accurate information about personal details as well as to inform the medical staff of any treatments and medications that they are taking and history of allergy or of allergic reaction to any medication
Follow the treatment plan recommended by those responsible for their care.
Their actions if they refuse treatment or do not follow the healthcare team’s instructions – Be accountable for their own actions if they decide not to follow the health care provider instructions and/or treatment plan and recommendations
- Make sure that their bills if not covered by insurance are paid as promptly as possible
Seeking information, and in the event they have questions, asking them
Take medications as ordered.
Keep appointments to see the Visiting Doctor and for investigations – and inform First response Customer care team if they are not available, in advance so that the appointment may be used for someone else in need.
Ask questions if what is said by their care team Healthcare Professional is not understood
To show respect and to be courteous to the staff
Not use abusive language and/or display unsocial behavior to other patients, visitors or staff.
To show their medical card/ insurance card to care team every time they avail a insurance covered service
To follow the rules and regulations of First response Healthcare.
To show consideration for other patients needs, especially where their needs are greater.
To use the Emergency Ambulance and Doctor On call (non-emergency) services appropriately.