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ADL Care at Home

Activities of Daily Living 

Activities of Daily living refer to common tasks that one needs to undertake to lead an independent life. As people grow older and experience a reduction in their physical and mental capabilities, it is common for one to need help and assistance for daily tasks. These activities or daily tasks can be classified into three categories: a) Personal Care Assistance, also known as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), b) Lifestyle Support, also referred to as Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (iADLs) and c) Activity Assistance, also known as Domestic Activities of Daily Living (dADLs). 

Domestic Activities of Daily Living are activities like hobbies that end up being the first kind of activities that elderly individuals stop doing. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (iADLs) refer to activities such as cleaning the house, etc, for which people generally hire help. These activities do not really threaten their wellbeing or independence and with the necessary additional help, elderly individuals can continue living in their homes. However, when it comes to activities of Daily Living (ADLs), these are activities that cannot be neglected or skipped, since they could directly affect the health, wellbeing and safety of senior citizens. It is common and natural for elderly individuals to require ADL nursing care, and while they may not like the idea of seeking this help because of their pride and independence, it is essential to get them the help they need in order to ensure their long term wellbeing and safety.

What Do Activities Of Daily Living Comprise?

As the word suggests, activities of daily living are tasks that are performed on an everyday basis and are basic activities necessary for self dependent living. ADLs can be classified into five basic categories: 

  1. Personal hygiene – This includes regular hygiene tasks such as bathing, showering, grooming, nail care, and oral care.
  2. Getting Dressed – This involves being able to dress or undress oneself and get ready with appropriate clothing. 
  3. Eating – This entails feeding oneself and may not necessarily include preparing one’s own meals.
  4. Maintaining continence– This involves being capable mentally and physically to use the washroom on their own. It includes the ability to get to the toilet safely, to get on and off the toilet and also clean oneself. 
  5. Being able to move or stand-This involves the ability to shift from sitting position to standing and vice versa. It also involves the ability to walk on their own from one place to the other. 

The level of independence of an elderly individual can be decided based on how well they are able to perform the above mentioned tasks on their own and whether or not they need help from a caregiver or family member. The need for support for ADL care becomes more prominent when the skills of elderly individuals start to decline because of dementia or any other health issues. 

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)

Like mentioned earlier, Instrumental or functional ADLs are activities that are required to function effectively within a community or society. The signs that a senior citizen might need support include things like the person may not be able to perform basic math calculations or if their memory is compromised and if they are incapable of taking financial, medical decisions for their own self.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are necessary and important in the sense that they allow an individual to live independently, but they are not necessarily required on an everyday, routine basis. The loss of one’s ability to perform IADLs is not as clearly visible and recognizable as ADLs, but the ability for IADLs is lost before the functional ability for ADLs. Through monitoring a senior citizen’s performance in IADLs, it is possible to determine the level of help or assistance the elderly individual needs.

The IADLs include the following tasks and skills:

  1. Basic communication skills – This includes the ability to use a telephone, a mobile phone, the internet or email. 
  2. Transportation – This involves either driving by themselves, using public transport or having the ability to arrange cabs, rides, etc. 
  3. Preparing meals – This involves planning meals, cooking, cleaning up, using kitchen equipment, utensils, etc. 
  4. Shopping– This involves buying  necessary and appropriate groceries, food items, clothes or other essentials required for oneself or the household. 
  5. House Chores– This involves doing household chores such as laundry, washing dishes, dusting, vacuuming – basically keeping the house tidy and clean. 
  6. Medication Management– This involves taking the prescribed medications at the right time, in the correct dosages and purchasing new ones when required.
  7. Taking Care of Finances – This involves maintaining a budget and being able to work within it, writing checks and paying bills.

Why Evaluating ADL Is Important

An elderly individual can live independently only if they are able to manage ADLS and IADLs on their own. In the absence of the same, assistance and support of a caregiver or family member becomes essential. 

Assessing an elderly person’s ADLs and IADLs is important because it offers insights into how well they are able to function and carry out their day to day tasks. And these insights can help doctors and geriatricians identify any issues with the physical health and/or cognitive health of the senior citizen. By identifying functional difficulties can help diagnose and treat important health problems.

It is also crucial to assess an elderly individual’s ADLs because only then can you find out how much help and assistance they need. In most cases, senior citizens refuse to ask for help because they want to remain as independent as possible and do not want to be seen as a burden on their families. They might not admit that they are struggling, but by finding out about their level of functionality in ADLs and IADLs, it is possible to get them the help that they need.

ADL Nursing Care in Dubai By First Response Healthcare

Home Nursingis a service that can ensure that your elderly family members effectively get the help that they need right in the comfort of their homes. If you have an elderly family member at home who’s battling an illness or is unable to manage living on their own, ADL nursing care is the best, most convenient option for you and your family.

First Response Healthcare (FRH) is JCI accredited home healthcare company in Dubai that offers quality home nursing services for families. FRH  has a team of highly trained, qualified and licensed home nurses who are experienced in elderly care. Our team of nurses are compassionate about the needs and requirements of the family and ensure that they prioritize the family’s expectations. They offer their services 24*7, even on weekends and holidays. Their goal is to ensure that accessing and using home healthcare and nursing services is a smooth and convenient process for all and they customize their services accordingly. While working with the elderly, their nurses make sure that they are treating them with dignity and respect. Our home nursing services can help in providing the care, help and attention elderly patients need. Support from our dedicated team of home nursing professionals can help the patient in activities of daily living, recovery and fulfilling their needs for social interactions and companionship. 

Why FRH Is Ideal For ADL Care:  

  • You can book our ADL Nursing Care service as Required – Either daily visits or 24×7 cover
  • We have a team of licensed, experienced Home Nurses to monitor & manage your condition
  • We ensure that our services offer personalized attention to the elderly patients

Advantages of ADL Nursing Care

ADL Home Nursing Services have numerous benefits and can prove to be effective for multiple reasons: 

1. They are Cost Effective: Home Nursing has proven to be way more cost-effective as compared to skilled nursing facilities, inpatient residential facilities, and long-term care hospitals. Moreover, nursing care homes for the elderly or for patients are also way more expensive than the option of getting care services at home. If you use the services of home healthcare at the right time, it can help you save money by preventing the need for nursing home care or other more intensive types of care.  

  1. Safer & More Convenient:Senior citizens never really are keen on leaving behind their homes and families and moving to nursing facilities. ADL care at home ensures that elderly individuals are taken care of in their own homes. Through Home Nursing, it is possible to avail a range of services, help and assistance right at your doorstep. There is also research that concludes that elderly patients recover faster or do better at home than in hospitals or nursing facilities. 

3. Personalized Care: Since ADL nursing care takes place in your own space and home, it ensures one-on-one attention and personalized care according to your needs and requirements. Being in a space comfortable to you also helps build rapport and makes it possible for you to do better and feel better. 

To avail our ADL nursing care services near you in Dubai, all you need to do is call on 0505050387 or 800DIALDOC. You can also book an online appointment by visiting First Response Healthcare website in Dubai.